Posted on October 22, 2018 Tags: Barbagallo Raceway Drift-Ability Drifting for Disabled People Free Event Western Australia
Barbagallo Raceway – Sunday, December 16
And it’s all FREE!
Drift-Ability is a community event for young adults with a disability/special needs, aged 16-25, to allow them to experience the extraordinary thrill of what it’s like to ride in a drift car.
If you know anyone up for the challenge of joining a talented team in belting sideways around the Barbagallo Raceway infield be sure to share this with them. It’s an exciting sport.
The WA Sporting Car Club, Drift-Ability’s major sponsor, has handed over its venue for this remarkable event on Sunday December 16 from 8am, with morning and afternoon sessions.
Please remember it’s really important to ensure your nominated passenger is comfortable being strapped into a car doing things slightly unnatural!
Drift-Ability has a bunch of amazing experienced drivers who have put their hands up to share the excitement of their sport. They’ll be gauging how the passenger is feeling the entire session. But there’s only so much the driver can control. And if you’re taking part, you’ll need to sign insurance waivers!
Nathan Sixsmith Photography
Organisers are catering for 200+ rides during the day, and patrons can enjoy a Show n Shine in CAT Corner with some of Perth’s coolest cars. Registration is essential, there’s FREE parking, and you can read all about it by clicking on:
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