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Lake Perkolilli

Views : 1409 views

Posted on January 1, 2018 Tags:  

To the world-wide family of Speedway,


Here is some great news. So please start spreading the news !!!

———- Forwarded message From : Graeme Cocks <Mr Red Dust Lake Perkolilli Red Dust Revival 2019 ———-

Dear All

The wait is over. We are planning to have another trundle around Lake Perkolilli next year. We’re calling it the Red Dust Revival 2019. I am sending you this email because you either attended the Lake Perkolilli Centenary of Speed in 2014, purchased a copy of Red Dust Racers, have pre-war racers or you were just interested in Lake Perkolilli and its history.  I apologise if you have no interest in Perkolilli and you are annoyed that you have received this. I hate spam, too. I won’t send anything about the Red Dust Revival again. However, if you’re interested and you want more updates on our event next year, drop me an email and ask to be added to our email list.
The enthusiasm for another event at Lake Perkolilli has been incredible.  We’ve had enquiries from South Australia, Queensland, the Northern Territory,            New South Wales and even from the UK. Greg Eastwood already has more than 15 vintage motorcycles booked in, and we have just as many cars on our list.

In the newsletter is an Expression of Interest form. It’s still more than a year away, but if you think you might enter a car or motorcycle, or camp at the claypan, please fill out the form and send it back.  That way, we can get an idea of who is planning to come.  
I have also attached a PDF presentation on what the Lake Perkolilli Red Dust Revival 2019 is all about. Feel free to send this on to anyone who you think might be interested.
Thanks for your time, and once again, if I have wasted your time I apologise.  For everyone else, hope to see you at Perko from 12 to 16 September 2019! 
Put it in your diary!
Graeme ‘Mr Red Dust Cocks
Con “Mr Speedway” Migro  :

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