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Bikes Back at Barbs in 2019!

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Posted on November 8, 2018 Tags:     

“Well done to all involved.   It’s been a long and tiresome journey.   Let’s stop bitching and get behind the Return of Bikes, and the Motorbike fraternity, to Barbs in 2019. Cheers.”  AC.

Joint Media Release


Following the return of recreational motorcycle activities to Barbagallo Raceway in September 2018, WA Sporting Car Club (WASCC) and Motorcycling Western Australia (MWA) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in order to address works required to the circuit so that motorcycle racing can recommence.

The MOU, jointly signed by WASCC President Russell Sewell and MWA President Tracy Simpson, pledged WASCC and MWA to cooperate in a spirit of mutual understanding and to develop a closer relationship of goodwill. Within a matter of weeks of the MOU being suggested, the commitment to work together resulted in a solution for the return of motorcycle racing at Barbagallo Raceway.

Subsequent to the presentation of a concept design by MWA, WASCC consultant engineer, Steve Brake of Calibre Consultants, prepared technical and works drawings in accordance with the requirements of Motorcycle Australia’s Track Guidelines – 2018 as well as the run-off calculations as indicated in Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries’ Hall Report.
MWA forwarded these drawings to Motorcycling Australia (MA) who have provided written confirmation that, pending successful completion of the works and a subsequent inspection, MA would issue Barbagallo Raceway an appropriate license.

WASCC is currently reviewing the scope of works and obtaining costings with a view to dove-tailing the works into its programmed major works schedule in January 2019, concurrent with a planned resurface of the raceway.

Motorcycle Racing Club WA and WASCC have agreed dates for the MCRCWA racing and other activities calendar for 2019 (pending issue of the MA track license).   Members of MCRCWA were briefed by its Executive at a Town Hall meeting held Wednesday, 7 November.

WASCC President Russell Sewell stated: “This is an exciting development for the sport of motorcycle racing in Western Australia following the unfortunate, extended absence from Barbagallo raceway. The new spirit of cooperation between the two main bodies representing tarmac based motorsports in Western Australia has been fruitful at both the Executive and management levels.”

MWA President Tracy Simpson welcomed the new agreement between the two bodies and noted that it was an important step towards getting motorcycle racing back at Barbagallo raceway.  Tracy said that it has been a focus for MWA and new CEO Joe McCarthy to work with all parties to enable racing to resume at Barbagallo and is thrilled that a detailed plan has been provisionally approved for 2019.

Media Enquiries:

Andrew Stachewicz – General Manager WA Sporting Car Club 0410 960 180

Joe McCarthy – CEO Motorcycling Western Australia 0439 497 032


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