Formula Juniors at Watkins Glen
Posted on September 10, 2017 Tags: Albany Formula Juniors Watkins Glen
Formula Juniors at Watkins Glen
You’re never too old to enjoy life!
No Accounting for Taste
WA’s NEIL MCCRUDDEN, pictured below, reports:
“ONE OF THE PROBLEMS in driving the ‘Pink Panther’ is that one of the locals reckoned he would rather his sister work in a whorehouse than his brother drive a pink car!
“Just completed Race 1 in the Formula Junior world tour at Watkins Glen, New York State. The oil pressure was a concern as it dropped to 30 psi at the end of the race. It’s interesting to note that there are five West Australians here competing in the series with two more having run last weekend. Arrived at the track yesterday afternoon and decanted the formula juniors, ready for our first practice. The weather was supposed to turn nasty later and we’re hoping we can get out before the deluge. Last weekend at Lime Rock the extension to the steering rack broke (probably modified in 1970s) as I was heading for turn one on the second lap. With no steering I ended up in the wall. There’s no kitty litter or gravel to slow you down, only nice slippery green grass! Just before I hit the the wall at about 80 km/h. I thought “this is going to hurt”. Luckily, I only ended up with a bruise on the shin from the sway bar. It ripped the left front corner from the Lotus. This week I’m driving the Panther (pink) which is down on power after an engine problem at Mid Ohio. We’re hoping for the best.”
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