Learn How to Handle Your Ride
Posted on February 23, 2018 Tags: CAMS Come & Try
You can learn how to really handle your car.
At Barbagallo Raceway – March 15.
“Get better acquainted with handling/braking of your car.”
“It’s my favourite part of my job where I get to hang out on the track with my friends and get others hooked on the drug we know as motor sport! Sooo if you know of anybody who would like to try motor sport but is too nervous to jump right in, or even a new driver who could benefit from getting a bit better acquainted with handling/braking of their car – send them my way Alternatively, if you are free on March 15 and want to come instruct/officiate let me know as well (it is a really good day, we all have way too much fun). Feel free to share and publicise. Send any enquiries to wa@cams.com.au.”
Lauren Cornes
Sport and Club Development Officer
(Part-time: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Ph: +61 8 9208 8501 | www.cams.com.au
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