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Motorsport is dangerous

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Posted on October 18, 2017 Tags:  

Image: MCRC

Anyone involved knows that motorsport is dangerous.      If they don’t they should not be permitted to put themselves at risk.

When an accident happens – and it is inevitable – it can be devastating.

When someone dies it is catastrophic.      For the family involved it must be excruciatingly painful – a feeling only those who have lost a loved one could imagine.     One never recovers.

And those crushed families need answers.    If there is ever to be closure.    There is, of course, the inevitable blame.   It involves the authorities –  the motorsport club, the officials and the circuit,  the Government, the relevant Minister and the Department of Sport and Recreation.      Everyone is accountable.     And everyone is watching their back .

Safety in motorsport has long been paramount.      In more recent years there is nothing more important, driven globally by the FIA, and locally by the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport and Motorcycling Australia.

Motor sport has the power to excite and entertain millions across the world. It also has a responsibility, to its drivers, spectators and the wider public, to demonstrate the highest safety standards and to deliver the vital message that high speed belongs on the race circuit, not on the road.  – www.

For those charged with the immediate responsibility of dealing with accidents it is a traumatic experience.    There were deaths under my watch during my 10-year stint at the reins of Barbagallo.     Motorbike riders, unfortunately.     It haunts me still.

I have no doubts the WA Sporting Car Club and the Motor Cycle Racing Club of WA have done their due diligence with the most recent occurrence,

But when will bikes race again at Barbagallo?

The answer rests with those charged with the management, responsibility and control of the sport – Motorcycling Australia (MA).

So if this issue interests you, step back and think about it.

Meanwhile, Government focus clearly is on Collie Motorplex, where long awaited major funds are being spent on upgrades.

And motorcycle competition is scheduled in coming months.






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