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NB: Barbagallo Competitors

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Posted on March 23, 2019 Tags:

Note to racers for April 13

After a great success at the “Golden Jubilee” event and with many of the categories having growth with numbers, it has come to light that the north ramp area is becoming rather crowded. So in an attempt to ease the congestion and to also help with cars not having to be propped to not roll down the north ramp, WASCC are going to trial having the dummy grid in the outfield pitlane.

The plan is as follows:
When your category is scheduled/called to the dummy grid, all cars will follow the one way system to the south ramp.

Cars will then proceed down the south ramp, staying to the left hand side and filing onto the outfield pitlane (staying left of the concrete wall). Proceeding along at walking pace.

All cars will then grid up at the north end of the pitlane, ensuring at all times that the “fast” lane is kept clear and being aware of any pitcrew who are watching the race that is in progress.

To assist in helping this be efficient and to also assist the Pitlane/Grid Teams, please try to be aware of your starting positions prior.

WA Sporting Car Club, March 17 2019.



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