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Queries over Race Suits

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Posted on March 2, 2018 Tags:  

RS.161.08 – the recall only applies to suits with this number, produced from 1 November, 2017.

The Confederation of Australian Motor Sport today published the following on its website,


“A small number of race suits have been recalled, after an administrative error by Revolution Racegear saw it produce suits that had not been correctly homologated.

“CAMS and the FIA investigated the matter and found Revolution Racegear had produced race suits in breach of the FIA homologation agreement.

“”Importantly, there is no safety issue with the suit – the affected suits have been tested and met FIA homologation requirements – rather, it is an administrative error where suits have been produced for a short period of time beyond the FIA homologation expiry, and therefore labelled incorrectly.

“The impacted suits are labelled RS.161.08 – however this recall only applies to suits with this number produced from 1 November, 2017 onwards.

“Given these suits are not considered homologated by the FIA, they are unable to be used. The suits produced prior to this date are within the FIA Homologation for this suit and are compliant for use.

“Revolution Racegear has commenced the recall process and will be contacting customers that purchased the affected suits directly – however if you have any concerns about your suit you should contact CAMS or Revolution Racegear.

“The FIA Homologation process for safety apparel, such as race suits, presents the highest possible standards in motor sport for this equipment, combined with a robust testing, quality control and product authenticity process.

“It is the responsibility of each manufacturer to ensure they remain compliant with the FIA homologation requirements.

“Any breach of these requirements does impact the sport across the board. FIA and CAMS will take all necessary action to ensure the continued compliance of all manufacturers.”

Published: 2 March, 2018



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