Southern Cross E-Sports Launch
Posted on September 30, 2021 Tags: Perth Western Australia

THE LAUNCH of Southern Cross E-Sports. The Light Car Club of WA’s Bunbury Motorkhana. The mighty West Coast Show & Go. It’s all happening in Perth in October!
And first and foremost, the Light Car Club of WA (LCC) still needs marshals for its October 10 Bunbury Motorkhana – four road closures and two spectator marshals.
If you or anyone you know can help, please contact Wendy on 0409 315 683.
Entries for the event close October 8 and those interested are asked to email the necessary paperwork to
The South West Touring Car Club (SWTCC) is a car rally club interested in motorsports, now predominantly engaged in Autocross and Motorkhana, with its roots in a range of car rally events.
Affiliated with Motorsport Australia, the regulating body for motorsport in this country, and all SWTCC and LCC club events are run under its regulations.
MA permits require clubs to run those events under national safety and competition rules and regulations, and provides insurance cover for all those involved.
The Light Car Club of WA has a proud heritage spanning more than five decades. Founded in 1965, the club is based out of own rooms in Moojebing Street, Bayswater.
Autocross and Motorkhana are increasing their popularity in motorsport ever year, with more people having a go at building their own cars, adding an extra dimension to racing.
Each month, competitors return with improved vehicles and a bit more driving confidence under their belts.
3rd West Coast Show & Go
The West Coast Commodores crew is gearing up for the third West Coast Show & Go Saturday, October 16.
The fun starts with the hugely successful meet and car show at the carpark at Autobarn in Midland, before heading off for its “killer cruise” on the streets of Perth to finish off the night!
The car show and meet runs from 5:30 until 8pm, allowing everyone the opportunity to get along and park up when they can.
Then it’s bonnets down at 8pm to head off on the cruise!
This event is open to all makes and models of cars so it doesn’t matter what you drive, new or classic, everyone is welcome along for an enjoyable evening – which includes prizes and giveaways, sponsored by Autobarn Midland.
Southern Cross E-Sports
LAUNCHING WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20 is the exciting new Southern Cross E-Sports Summer Series.
You’re invited to get onboard and join the ever-expanding global sensation of online racing.
For more information, check out Southern Cross E-Sports on Facebook or email
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