Spare a thought for John Fenton
Posted on August 21, 2017 Tags: John Fenton Speedway Great
JOHN FENTON 1968. Image: ROD BAIN Collection.
G’Day Mate – –
Some news to advise the racing world!
Please ask the Speedway family to pray for him.
Dual Aussie & 7 times WA Speedcar champion John Fenton is in Westmead Hospital (the site of the old Speedway track). He suffered a heart attack late last week when @ Eastern Creek helping his grandson Nicolas. Nicolas leads in the Aussie Formula Ford championships.
I think John’s due for some sort of surgery tomorrow, Tuesday. Our X track doctor Dr Linda Dann is a surgeon @ Westmead Hospital. She heads up the road trauma department.
Thanks in advance !!!
Regards your old mate,
Con “Mr Speedway” 

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