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Thomas Benson – Telling it like it is

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Posted on September 11, 2017 Tags:    

CAMS West Australian Chairman THOMAS BENSON offers some home truths:

“IT IS INAPPROPRIATE for me to comment on others’ timelines and on Facebook pages regarding facilities for motor sport here in WA.    However, it is most fitting that I write to my friends and remind them of the only tried and proven method of developing motor sport facilities.    

“The inception of motor sport in the State is now over 100 years old.     We have as yet to see any successful and sustainable sport brought about by a private entity, corporation, government agency, or anyone not part of a community group club or association.

“This is reflected throughout the world”

“Motor sport facilities are successful if they are owned, controlled and managed by those with skin in the game – those with a passion for competition who treat it as a sport and not an industry.     They have a jurisdiction.     There’s no need for another.    It took us 40 years to develop the one we have, and it’s operated for more than 60 years now,     Not without controversy, but it has come through as an organisation trusted and respected by government.    That’s not to say that many businesses benefit from the sport.     But they have no place in the management of facilities.    They fail miserably every time they have had the opportunity.

Motor Sport develops community discipline

Motor sport management, and facilities management for the conduct of the sport, is a development by the community for the community.     It’s not a resource for profit.     It’s there to build discipline in the community by providing a drug free, smoke free, alcohol free environment where the young (and old) can participate in a sport and obtain life skills     That very easily can be demonstrated to

  • save lives on our roads,
  • reduce the costs of medical intervention from motor vehicle accidents,
  • keep our young away from drugs,
  • support the quest to build our engineering knowledge, our service industries. 

“The list goes on.    So, say NO to anyone who thinks they can manage facilities better than a club, group or association,     They can’t.   They are all failures.     It is morally unjust for anyone to promise new motor sport facilities with the intent of using hard won facilities and management for their own material gain.  

 “Support your local clubs.  

“They make our world a better place.”




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